How to Look and Feel Fresh on a Long-Haul Flight!

How to Look and Feel fresh on a long-haul flight--The Ink Pot

Long-haul flights can be stressful, not only if you’re worried about reaching your destination on time, but trying to look and feel fresh on a long-haul flight is not easy. But, it’s not impossible. I’ve got a few ways that you can look and feel fresh on your next long-haul flight. Trust me, you’re going to want to take notes!

What are long-haul flights?

I feel many people think a flight between 5-8 hours is a long-haul flight, and while that definition can vary from person to person, for the purpose of this guide, I’m going to say:

A long-haul flight is a flight that is over 8 hours with a connection. Layovers allow you to freshen up, but for this guide, let’s say the layover is 3 hours.

I just returned from Mumbai and my total travel time was over 22 hours. They do have direct flights from Mumbai to JFK. Those flights are available on Air India and commence on the 14th of February 2023.

Out of experience, the first step to looking and feeling fresh on a long-haul flight is to prepare and pack your bags accordingly.

Preparing for a Long-Haul Flight

On international flights, you have the option of carrying a personal item and a carry-on bag (weight limits differ from flight to flight but usually are limited to 7kgs). Many people hate carrying luggage on the flight and rather check them in. I understand that I really do, but carrying a small bag onto the flight with the right items can prepare you for any disaster that might take place.

If you’re a mother with younger children, carrying a change of clothes for them (and yourself!) is a great way to prepare for a longer flight.

Make a list of the items you want to carry in your checked-in bags. Next make a list of the items you need to look and feel fresh, like toiletries or clothes, that you need on hand.

What Do I Carry to Look and Feel Fresh On a Long-Haul Flight?

The key to looking and feeling your best is to pack a carry-on and your personal item effectively. Always dress in thin layers. Usually, the cabin tends to feel chilly once you’re in the air. Wearing thin layers helps keep you warm but allows your skin to breathe as well. Wearing heavy clothes will make you sweat and stink! Chances are, you won’t have enough time to shower (if there’s a way to) during your layover. Best be prepared!

Pack an extra outfit! I would include undergarments as well! Because I was carrying a backpack with my laptop, I needed to be smart about how I packed my carry-on luggage. The KeriKit Joy XL was my choice for a laptop bag and my carry-on! These bags come with a small laundry bag (they’re actually mommy bags/diaper bags). I packed track pants and a t-shirt, along with undergarments and panty liners. I was able to fit a few sanitary pads as well!

Pack the proper toiletries. I can’t stress this enough! TSA has size limits on liquids that you are permitted to carry on board. Here’s what I would pack:

Look and Feel fresh on a long-haul flight by packing the proper essentials
Image by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash
  1. Travel deodorant and favorite perfume sample
  2. Face and body wipes
  3. Travel-size face soap and travel moisturizer
  4. Travel toothpaste and toothbrush
  5. Sheet Mask for your face (optional)

Carry the Right Toiletries to Look and Feel Fresh on a Long-haul Flight

My list is simple and sweet and that’s exactly what you need when it comes to carrying something on board. The flight and airport are not places where you do your full skincare routine. C’mon now, we need to be practical.

Pack what you need, not what you want.

Carry a deodorant because no one wants to be stinky! The travel sections at CVS and Target have plenty to choose from! And instead of packing a mini perfume, grab a small sample! Save space in your handbag. I’m sure you have a bigger bottle (or a few) in your checked-in luggage so why carry another one in your carry-on?

Face and Body wipes are your friends! It’s not always possible to wash your face (especially in the bathroom on the flights because let’s be real, they’re gross) so using a face wipe to freshen up is a great option. Body wipes are great to freshen up as well because unless you’re in first class or have access to a hotel, chances are that you won’t be able to shower until you reach your destination.

Moisturize! Do Not Skip This!

Your skin goes through the same amount of stress you do while you fly a long-haul flight! It’s important to keep moisturized! Carry a travel-size moisturizer, or I would suggest something oil based to keep your skin hydrated. Those face wipes I mentioned earlier? Try packing ones that are moisturizing! Grab a sheet mask if you want and use that time to pamper yourself (because there isn’t much else you can do on board).

Rest to Look and Feel Your Best!

It’s important to prepare for a long-haul flight two days before you fly. Why?

Unless you’re flying first or business class, it might be difficult to get quality sleep and rest on the flight. Instead, prepare by getting a good night’s sleep before you fly.

On board, try to take naps when you can. Taking naps will keep you feeling fresh and might help in overcoming jetlag depending on where your final destination is.

If you have trouble sleeping on board, I suggest carrying Dramamine. It’s an OTC anti-nausea and sleep aid. I’ve always had motion sickness but over the years, with Dramamine, I’ve realized it’s lessened and I only take half a dose. Consult your doctor if you have any questions! But if they say it’s ok? Go for it!

While sleeping is important, make sure you get up and stretch! Some people are prone to getting clots from sitting idle for long amounts of time.

Pro-tip: Drinking cold water acts as a natural blood thinner to prevent clots!

If possible, try to get up and take a walk every other hour. Stretch your back and your legs when you get the chance!

Stay hydrated!

Believe it or not, the longer the flight, the more water your body loses! While people enjoy the free booze on board, it’s more important that you drink water, juice, or something with electrolytes to keep your body hydrated and to help you look and feel fresh during a long-haul flight.

Avoid the sodas especially because they’ll cause you to bloat and in worse cases, pass gas!

What you eat is also equally important! More often than not, each meal comes with either a small salad or fruit. Don’t skip those! Because the meals on board are heavy, these two act as hydration and fiber! A clean gut is a happy gut!

How to Look and Feel Fresh on a Long-Haul Flight: If You Have Your Period

Nothing is worse than having your period on a long-haul flight. I have had to deal with this situation the past three roundtrips to Mumbai and JFK.

While it might be better to plan your trip around your cycle, sometimes it’s inevitable.

If you have your period, depending on what day of the cycle it is, I would recommend the following:

Try to see if you can find a seat with more leg space.

There are options, especially on Etihad for example, where by paying a fee, you can choose a seat with more leg space. I think they call it Economy Plus in most cases, but regardless, I feel if you have your period, being able to stretch your legs will help you.

Along with the extra outfit, carry extra undies and pads!

Opt to wear a darker pair of pants if possible and carry extra undergarments on board. You know your cycle more than anyone else. Carry the right amount of pads and set an alarm on your watch so that you can go and change. I always carry an extra day’s worth of pads along with what I would need for the total travel time on board.

Don’t forget the wet wipes!

Carrying wet wipes will help you feel clean and fresh longer! Nothing compares to a long hot shower, especially during your period, but I promise, carrying the wet wipes will make you feel clean and feel fresh until you reach your final destination.

Stay hydrated and avoid caffeine.

While I mentioned earlier that staying hydrated is important, it’s equally important to avoid caffeine during your period while traveling on a long-haul flight. Caffeine is a stimulant that will cause you to bleed more and increase the chances of an accident. Instead, opt for green tea if available.

To battle, those horrible cramps and aches, carry a travel-size bottle of your favorite painkillers if needed. I usually avoid using painkillers, especially on a flight for a few reasons. You’re not eating well enough to be taking meds on a flight, which means: an upset stomach.

Ask if you can get a hot compress instead. You don’t know what’s available unless you ask.

Remember that flying doesn’t have to feel gross or stressful. It’s about packing effectively and using what you have to make things work for you! Pack smart by taking what you really need and checking in what you don’t need on hand. Be organized and remember, you’re traveling to have fun! What tips do you have for long-haul flights?

  1. How to Pack Smartly for a Long-Haul Flight: International Edition

    February 13, 2023 at 11:48 am

    […] you read my last post on looking and feeling fresh on a long-haul flight, you’ll realize that I mentioned packing smartly for the long-haul flight as well. Packing […]

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