How To Write The Best YouTube Script

When people think of content creators or content creation, YouTube is the first thing that comes to mind. What you don’t realize is that creating content also involves writing a script. Having a script enables you to be organized and have direction in what you’re presenting as your chosen topic. You don’t need to have an entertainment background to be able to write a YouTube script. But writing an engaging one, where you can connect to your audience is important not only to have more followers but to keep them engaged and wanting more.

write YouTube Script
Image by Aman Upadhyay on Unsplash

What Is a YouTube Script?

A video script is a foundation for your video. It will have the camera cues, your dialogue, and a description of what everyone should be doing in each scene.

With YouTube, it’s the same thing but because YouTube is more of a search engine, where 7 out of 10 people turn to YouTube to learn how to do something.

Writing a YouTube script is not the same as your average video script. Why?

YouTube videos are meant to be engaging for a small period of time. You need to know what niche you want to talk about, also, because the videos are shorter than an episode of your favorite show, or a movie, you need to be precise about how and what you discuss.

How To Write a YouTube Script

The first thing to keep in mind is that people have clicked on your video for a reason. Your video title attracted them, promised an answer to a question or your thumbnail looked really cool. But once they click, it’s all about retaining that viewer until the end. How can you keep your viewers engaged?

Write an awesome YouTube Script!

But how?

Well, writing a script won’t need keyword research or SEO. Your content is where you want to focus here. You want to mention keywords so that viewers will understand what your video is about.

Choose Your Topic

Use tools like Google Trends to learn what types of topics people want to learn about. For example, if you’re in the Skincare Industry, use these tools to see what people are looking for specifically. I know I mentioned that the actual writing doesn’t need research but in order to film a relevant video, you need to know what your viewers want to see.

Another way to find relevant keywords, use YouTube!

When you type in a query on YouTube, you’ll notice how it tries to finish your phrase using their own keywords. Those are great suggestions as keywords because those are the ones being searched for the most!

Make a list of the keywords that you want to create content for and use a tool like Ubersuggest to see how they rank. Ubersuggest will also provide suggestions and probable content ideas as well!

The Best YouTube Script

You have everything you need to get started! The first thing while you write a script is to have a proper Introduction. You need to create a hook, to attract and retain your viewers.

Try not to make the introduction too long! Nowadays people love shorter videos which is why YouTube and Facebook have their “shorts” gaining popularity by the day! Stick to somewhere between 15-20 seconds.

The Body of Your Script

This is the most important part of writing a YouTube script! Keep in mind these 3 key points:

  1. Mention key points for your viewers to take away. For example, if you’re talking about a new handbag, like the Louis Vuitton Neverful, you can mention: “The Neverful is an amazing bag for work, travel, and as an everyday bag.”
  2. Elaborate on each point with context.
  3. Have a call to action. What is the purpose of your video? Was it to have them subscribe? Purchase a product? Mention what you want your viewers to do at the end.

What is an Optimal YouTube Video Length?

According to Hitesh Sahni from Piktochart, the ideal length of a video should be between 5 to 15 minutes. YouTube videos are meant to be slightly longer than videos on Instagram and Pinterest.

Image by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

If your content is longer, consider breaking it up into parts. Edit it so that it looks like a continuous series. You have to keep in mind, people use YouTube for quick entertainment or a simple way of learning something. Keep it simple, short, and sweet.

Tips For Writing The Best YouTube Script

  1. Tone: When writing your script, keep in mind that you’re talking to your viewers. Keep your tone conversational. Allow your viewers to connect with you. Remember that your tone is part of how you market yourself as a brand. In order for engagement with your viewers, you need to be approachable. People need to relate to you.
  2. Use Transitions: While being thorough with your context, add in transitions between ideas. Why? It keeps interest! Add a bit of humor, for example. Make your transitions smooth and use them to reset your viewers’ minds.
  3. Call to Action: I can’t stress enough how important this is. If you notice, successful YouTubers will end their videos telling their viewers what they want them to do. For example, “Subscribe and hit the bell icon,” or “Use my link to purchase…comment below,” are great examples of a CTA.

Combining Visuals with Your Script

Now that you’ve written your script, you need to incorporate it into your video. Go back to where I’ve mentioned how to write your body of the script. For each point, create a slide introducing each point. Just as you break down your content into sections, make that visually noticeable as well. Use images and transitions as an aid to support your written script.

When you introduce yourself, have a slide that mentions your channel name or the title of your video/script.

When adding transitions, or using humor for example, as a reset of attention, try using sound effects or a pause. Doing this helps freshen the mind and prevent the viewer from being overwhelmed with information.

Manny MUA

Manny MUA is one of my favorite YouTubers. I enjoy makeup and beauty, but not enough where I binge watch makeup tutorials, or keep track of the latest trends every day. But Manny is not just a channel devoted to makeup. If you watch any single one of his videos, you’ll find them entertaining. He does this makeup and provides value along side it. Watch his transitions!

I feel he’s a great example of having a good YouTube script.

Ms Gold Girl, or Marnie, is another great example, and if you notice the scroll bar, where you can forward or rewind her videos, you’ll see she’s broken up her content into chapters and categories:

MsGoldGirl on YouTube

Keeping these things in mind, along with the videos that I’ve shared with you as examples, you’ll be on your way to writing the best YouTube script ever! Do you have any tips and tricks? Share them with me! Let’s help each other out!

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