How to Have Work-Life Balance and Why it’s Important

work-life balance and how to prevent burnout

Just recently I caught a stomach bug that seemed to be doing the rounds with everyone I know. It started out as a simple cold and quickly progressed into the worst stomach bug I’ve ever faced. Word of advice, never underestimate a stomach bug. I figured I’d be back to work in a day but that didn’t happen and I felt so guilty! And that is so wrong! Work-life balance is important not just to prevent burnout, but for your physical and mental health as well!

What is work-life balance?

Simply put, work-life balance is dividing your time between your work and your life outside of work (family or friends). Everyone’s definition varies and that’s because everyone’s definition of work is different. A stay at home mom’s definition of “work” will differ from that of a CEO of a hedge fund.

The basic idea behind work-life balance is simple: Balance.

Balance is achieved when you realize what you want to prioritize and what you don’t. Sometimes it’s not that easy, especially if you have a demanding job, but I promise you it’s still something you can achieve.

Why is work-life balance important?

Everyone loves the taste of success but at what cost? With all of the different income streams available, different job opportunities, side hustles, etc…it’s hard for people to just let go. We get so caught up in our idea of success that we forget to recharge, to spend time with friends and family, and to prioritize our health.

According to a Workplace Burnout Survey done by Deloitte 84% of millennials experienced burnout at their current job. That’s insane!


Image by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Burnout is the emotional or physical feeling of exhaustion in addition to a loss of self identity. Without a proper balance between work and life, not only is burnout possible, but your physical health can take a turn for the worse.

Being career driven is great, but not at the cost of your own health. Let’s talk about what burnout can do to you.

Remember: Burnout and Stress are two different things. Stress is caused more by over-engagement whereas burnout is caused by the exact opposite. Burnout affects you mentally first, while stress affects you physically. These terms are not interchangeable!

Signs & Symptoms

DepressionTiredIsolating Yourself
LonelinessLow ImmunityMood Swings
Feeling of DefeatChange in sleeping/eating habitsUsing alcohol or drugs to cope

Dealing with Burnout

Once you realize you have burnout, the first thing you should do is reach out to someone and talk to them. Reach out to people at work, or someone that can understand and help you organize your workload.

  1. Create a Plan: make a list of what you need to get done according to priority. Plan your day with smaller actionable goals
  2. Prioritize Yourself: put yourself first! Listen to your mind and body. If you feel overwhelmed, schedule a mini break and do something else for a few minutes.
  3. Minimize Distractions: technology can be great to use to support your daily goals, but more often than not, it can be a distraction. While working, keep your phone aside and only check it during your breaks or in case of emergency.
  4. Set Boundaries: know what your limits are and make sure that you let others around understand them as well. Know when to say “No.”

How to maintain a work-life balance

Understand that everyone’s work-life balance will be different. There’s no perfect way to go about it, but you can perfect your way! Having a work-life balance will prevent burnouts, improve productivity and quality of work.

Besides the tips mentioned above, another thing to prioritize is your diet and exercise. Having a healthy diet can improve concentration and prevent you from feel lethargic during the day. Exercise keeps you focused and energetic. Investing in your health is always a priority.

Next, ask for flexibility in your work. If possible ask if you can share tasks with others or off load some work to other people around you. Avoid bringing your work home (if you don’t already work remotely) if possible. Keeping your work and home life separate helps keep balance.

Use your breaks! Many people make the mistake of working through their lunch breaks. But this is a great time to connect with your co-workers and make friends. It’s not just about taking a break, but developing a support system at work.

Being ambitious is great, but don’t push yourself to the extent that you’re working harder than before. Don’t get me wrong, there’s no alternative to hard work, but don’t work yourself to the bone. Follow the boundaries you’ve set for yourself. While overtime pay might be enticing, go for it only when you feel you can handle the load. And remember, ask for help!

Finally, change your mindset. Change the way you think about your work. You might love your job, but your job isn’t your life. If you’re given the chance to take a vacation, go for it! There is nothing to feel guilty about, because come Monday, those problems, those tasks that you need to finish, will still be there. But your life? You get only one.

Productivity tips to help you at work!

  1. Hour block your day: set time aside to get your tasks done. For example, if you use the Pomodoro method, it says to use a timer, and set a specific amount of time to get a task done (uninterrupted). Once the timer goes off, it’s time for a break!
  2. Do the bigger tasks first (one at a time): the ones that take the most time are the tasks that you should tackle first. Your mind is fresh at the beginning of the day, so tackle the time consumers then!
  3. Use the 2 minute rule: If there’s a task that takes 2 minutes or less, try to add them in during the day. Use them as a “mind refresh” so that you can reset your mind from a more engaging task.
  4. Take a Break: when you’re on a break, don’t think about work. Use it to recharge your mind.

Work-life balance is vital not only to our health, but to ensure success. Maintaining a balance at work and at home, increases productivity, work quality, and focus. Think of it as a 2 for 1 offer. Both your health and your work will benefit as long as you maintain balance. Using these tips and tricks can help you lessen your frustration and ease up your load. Change your mindset, put yourself first and use these tips to help you.

How do you maintain a balance between work and life? Share your ideas in the comments below!

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    January 17, 2023 at 11:15 am

    […] problems, we become part of the problem. We become enablers. It’s time to take a step back and put yourself first. But […]

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