Tips for Losing Weight | 3 Mistakes I Made

mistakes on weight loss journey
Image by Derek Mckinney on Unsplash

In my earlier blog post, I mentioned how I lost weight while watching Youtube. There is a second part to that post and it is posted in the New Writers Welcome publication on Medium. I love writing about weight loss but most importantly, I want to talk about the mistakes I made on my weight loss journey.

I can rewrite that whole article here, but I would love for you guys to check it out and let me know your thoughts.

I’m warning you now, you guys are going to have a lot to say regarding my crazy old workout routine.

Weight loss basics

I know this is the main reason any of you might be reading this article. Trust me, I’ve been in your position. What I’m going to tell you about losing weight, might not be anything new. In your journey, I’m sure you have researched almost everything there is to lose weight. What I’m trying to tell you here, from my own experience, is that it’s very simple as long you don’t make the mistakes I did on my weight loss journey.

We all understand that everything we eat has a certain amount of calories. The idea behind losing weight is to be in a caloric deficit. My article on Medium discusses that a bit more in detail, so please feel free to check it out.

Weight loss is more about what we eat as opposed to how we work out.

But why work out at all then?

Working out provides your body with the strength and energy to keep burning calories while building muscle. Not every workout helps you build muscle, so if that’s your goal during your weight loss journey, then you need to look into those specific workouts. I’ve mentioned my favorite workouts in my previous blog post, so I won’t elaborate on that here. Workouts also help in maintaining your current weight (if you’re happy where you are at the moment).

The #1 Mistake I made on my weight loss journey

My article mentions how important it is to consult a nutritionist or a doctor before implementing any changes to your lifestyle. While that is important, I feel I should have researched more about the diet change I chose to make.

I follow intermittent fasting. I love it and I would recommend it to anyone whose doctor would approve of it. Growing up, I’ve always followed this method and it wasn’t anything new to me.

Where did I go wrong?

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a lifestyle where you choose a bracket of time to eat while the remaining is used to fast. For example, I use the 16:8 method where I fast for 16 hours and eat in 8. Makes sense?

Going back to my earlier question of where I went wrong, I would eat anything I wanted in those 8 hours. Big mistake to make on a weight loss journey! Many people tend to overeat so that they can fast easily during fasting hours. This is one of the many mistakes made during a weight loss journey. I did it too!

What I would recommend is a food diary. There is an abundance of apps out there you can download to log your food. It’ll break down the calories and the macros. I don’t follow macros to the T, but I make sure to take a glance and to be as balanced in my eating as possible.

#2 Mistake in my weight loss journey

Water intake. I know this is a hard one for many people. Water is boring and tasteless. But if you’re someone that follows intermittent fasting, water intake is important.

Not being hydrated is one of the common mistakes made on a weight loss journey. Drinking the wrong things doesn’t help either. If you fast, you need to remain hydrated in order to help your body detox and aid in digestion. Many people complain of being constipated while following intermittent fasting, being hydrated will help that (also more fiber).

A trick I use especially when I eat is to drink Poland Spring Sparkling water. Sometimes we all crave soda or a sugary drink but sparkling water (make sure there’s no added salt or sugar!) helps satisfy that craving. I drink it during fasts also because it makes me feel full. This is by no means a replacement for drinking regular water, but it’s a good substitute for soda.

#3 Mistake in my weight loss journey

I touch base on this mistake in my article, but I feel that it’s more important than the rest. Having the right frame of mind and being consistent are important factors in weight loss. Giving up is one of the many common mistakes made on a weight loss journey.

There will be times when you don’t feel like working out. A certain meal or fast food might tempt you to fall off the wagon, and this is perfectly normal! Our moods change but what’s important is that we listen to our bodies and keep in mind our end goal. My weight began to fluctuate after I lost my 16-year-old dog, Sweety. I gave up on everything.

It’s ok to fall off the wagon. But get back on as soon as you can!

I have a great support system which has always helped me get out of my funk. Remind yourself why you’re losing weight. A bad few days won’t hurt too much but once they become a habit, they will be hard to break. I had a horrible few months after I lost Sweety. I gained around 6 pounds and it could have been more had I stopped fasting.

While in Mumbai at the moment, I’ve gained almost 15 pounds! I know, it makes me want to scream!

I know it’s my fault and I could have been better about eating. It’s so hard to stop myself from eating street food and snacks. But I know my goal and I got back on track.

In the end…

At the end of the day, remember it’s about balance and moderation. Don’t deprive yourself but learn to balance what you want with what you need. Learn from my mistakes and remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Let me know how it’s going for you! I’m rooting for you!


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