How to Protect and Nourish Your Skin This Winter

protect your skin this winter
Image by Coline Hasle on Unsplash

Although the past few days here in NY have been kinda warm and balmy, there’s no escaping the cold, winter weather. It’s November and that means winter isn’t too far away. But because the temperatures are dipping, you’re probably noticing the change in your skin. Our skin care needs to be adjusted according to the weather. Of course, our core products will usually remain the same but the winter weather causes us to do a little extra in terms of skincare. It’s important to protect your skin from the elements all year round but it’s especially important in the winter. How? Let’s get into it.

What happens to your skin in the winter?

The winter cold temperatures mean that there’s less moisture in the air, which leads to dry skin. Besides the obvious, did you know that the capillaries in your skin constrict during the winter? That’s why your face and any other skin that’s exposed to the freezing air will turn red! Though getting back indoors and getting warm, reverses this condition, the damage is already done. Imagine being outside in the cold, while you’re bundled up, the constant abrasion against your dry skin can even cause eczema! That’s why it’s important to protect your skin and nourish it during the harsher weather.

On the flip side, during the summer, your skin produces more oil and that protects your skin. But along with your skin’s natural oils and sweat, you need to use sunscreen which will hydrate your skin and act as a barrier against UV rays. So protecting your skin is something you need to do all year but it’s especially important in the winter.

How to protect your skin in the winter?

According to Dr. Binder, it’s important not to just cover your skin, but to moisturize it!

Stay Moisturized

Besides using your daily SPF (yes you need to use it in the winter as well), it’s important to keep your skin hydrated. Depending on the type of skin you have, moisturizers like CeraVe or Kiehl’s are great options.

For dry skin like mine, a great drugstore option is the Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel. In the winter especially, I use facial oil with my moisturizer. While this might not be everyone’s cup of tea, it has done wonders for my skin. My skin is very sensitive in the winter. It cracks and peels and looks horrible. By combining facial oils with my moisturizer, I don’t flake during the day one bit. I feel this combination personally works best for my dry to combination skin type and protects my skin.

Another great option is First Aid Beauty. This brand claims to rehydrate the skin the minute you apply it! I haven’t used their moisturizer but from having loved their lip balm, I definitely have high hopes for the rest of their skincare.

Also, remember to hydrate from the inside out! Drinking water automatically boosts the health of your skin. While protecting your face, remember to also protect your lips! Use a hydrating lip balm to stop your lips from becoming chapped or wind-burned. My favorite lip balms are from Laneige! They have an amazing lip mask that I wear during the day (though they’re meant more for overnight). My lips need extra hydration during the winter, especially the snow. Because my skin and lips are sensitive, using a lip mask before I head out to shovel always helps!

Avoid the steaming hot showers

Am I telling you to take cold showers to protect your skin? NO! Of course not. Nothing feels better than a hot bath or shower in the colder months. But hot water strips your skin of its natural oils. It makes your skin dry! Take quicker showers and use a body wash that’s hydrating. I’ve always enjoyed Bath and Body Works body gels because of the Vitamin E and Aloe (plus the winter scents are amazing!) Follow up with a body lotion to lock in that moisture. Keeping your skin moisturized will protect it from cracking and peeling. Take it a step further and try a body oil after your shower and before bed. Your skin will thank me later.

Layer your clothes smartly

Instead of wearing polyester and wool, which isn’t a bad idea, try layering your clothes with breathable layers. Wearing abrasive materials or clothes that don’t let your skin breathe, causes all sorts of skin problems. Excessive sweating under a wool sweater, you’ve been there, don’t lie now— your skin becomes red and itchy! Instead of turning your skin and clothes into a breeding ground for bacteria, try using breathable layers that keep you warm, but also let your skin breathe.

Be smart about exfoliating

We all love to exfoliate our skin, but the winter is when you need to rethink your skincare. Skincare shouldn’t be the same all year round. Your core products might not change but depending on the weather you might need to add or change products to protect your skin from the elements. Try using moisturizing night creams or sleep masks.

But when it comes to exfoliating your skin, be careful. Overdoing it during the winter months might do way more damage than you think. By exfoliating your skin, you’re exposing the new, fresh, delicate skin to the harsh cold weather. If you choose to exfoliate regularly during the winter, it’s important and crucial to follow up with the proper moisturizer.

Eat right!

Drinking water is a great way to have healthy skin. But the right diet is important as well. I won’t get into too many details here, because that’s a whole other article for another time. What I will tell you is that foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, avocadoes, nuts, fish, etc…are great for healthy skin. More importantly, one thing to remember is that a healthy gut keeps your skin healthy as well. More than not, people don’t realize that applying products topically will work to only a certain extent. Your health is also from the inside out. In order to maximize the effects of your products, keep your diet healthy!

All in all, keeping your skin nourished and protecting your skin in the winter, isn’t a difficult thing to do. It’s all about adjusting your habits and making sure you follow the proper skincare routine that suits you! Learning from YouTube and blogs like mine are great! But remember that we’re speaking from our own personal experience. If there are any questions you have about your skincare and your specific skin problems, always contact your doctor first. What products work for me might not work for you. But my tips are general for every skin type.

Hope you enjoyed my post and please do share it with your friends 🙂 Share your tips too! I’d love to hear from you! Happy Holidays! Stay Warm!

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