Want the BlendJet? Is Food Combining the Way to Better Health?

It’s that time of year when you can get the best discounts on everything under the sun! Black Friday is finally here! If you’ve read my other post, I’ve made a small list of Amazon items that would make great gifts. So if you’re looking for ideas, check out my previous post. If not, then you’re here about the BlendJet. Now, I’ve been lusting after this bad boy for quite some time. I first saw an ad on YouTube and then you know how it works–you click it once and then the world wide web, teases you about it. Clickable ads, Facebook ads, Instagram Story Ads, you name it! While the BlendJet is an amazing tool, is food combining the way to better health? Also, should you blend everything?

Food combining the way to better health
Image by Nature Zen on Unsplash

What is Food Combining?

Food combining is when you take a certain group of foods and combine them to promote better digestion, resulting in better health. You’ve seen examples of food combining more than you think. Rice and beans, egg and cheese, etc… But, food combining is not the same as blending your meals. Because both are thought to be time efficient and beneficial, let’s take a closer look.

What are the Benefits of Food Combining?

Food combining promises better digestion as we’ve mentioned before, weight loss, better nutrient absorption, and better skin!

Although there isn’t any real evidence that supports this idea of food combining, the fact that it aids in better nutrient absorption is actually true.

There are certain rules to combining:


Eat fruit alone or with green leafies on an empty stomach

Eat protein with low-starch veggies

Eat dense starches with low-starch veggies

Avoid combing different types of proteins

Don’t combine starches and proteins

Eat sugars alone

Food combining is based on various ideas, one of which is that foods need different pH’s to digest. Therefore, eating foods that require different pH’s at the same time, negatively impacts your digestion. Eating the wrong combinations also negatively affects digestion. So these rules are set to aid digestion. Again there is no scientific proof but the idea is based on science.

Certain combinations like Vitamin C and Iron as a combination boost iron absorption. Fat-soluble vitamins and certain carotenoids need fat to be absorbed, therefore carrots and fats make a great combination as well.

Is Food Blending Even Better?


In the end, the idea of food combining isn’t bad, but I wouldn’t be rushing to make all my meals into smoothies, using my BlendJet.

Drinking all of your meals is a big NO! Why? You might overload your sugar intake. Next, you might not properly digest all of your food either. Because digestion begins when we chew, by blending all of your food, you technically skip that step. Your smoothie might just run through you and make you run!

Although there are some downsides to blending your meals, it does have its upsides as well. But remember BALANCE.


Drinking your meals means that you can take in more nutrients by way of fruits and veggies. Imagine eating a bunch of fruits in a single meal. Depending on which fruits, that’s just a lot of tiresome chewing. You can easily intake your daily dose with a smoothie.

Blending foods keep nutrients intact. Huh?

Yeah, you actually lose some nutrients with the addition of heat or cooking your food. Sometimes it’s better to eat your food when it’s raw! So blending might be a great option here as well! Plus, less chewing! (Can we see how much I hate chewing?)

You get a wide variety of foods in one meal and you save time. You don’t have to sit and come up with a variety of dishes ensuring you that you and your family have gotten the daily dose of goodies. There’s less clean up, meaning you get more time to do other things, like give yourself a Manicure!

BlendJet Coffee
Image by Nathan Dumlao

How you can use the BlendJet:

It’s all about balance. Wanna put that BlendJet to use? Try making a green smoothie for yourself to start the day. It’s full of fiber and a great way to push those toxins out of your body. You can use the BlendJet this Thanksgiving to make Pumpkin Pie Custard or Salad Dressing.

The way I want to use my BlendJet is for COFFEE.

  1. Salted Caramel Mocha Frappe
  2. Cinnamon Dolce Latte
  3. Fall Blended Coffee Frappe

The BlendJet will do more than just blend ice and make drinks. It’s great as a food processor! Incorporate protein powder into some nutritious muffins! Make your own tortillas and wraps! You can make awesome crushed nuts toppings for your salads or brownies!

The possibilities are endless. But keep one thing in mind: Food combining can be great and if you want to try it, follow the rules! BUT, don’t blend all of your meals. See what suits your body and ease into it. Try a breakfast smoothie or a dessert protein shake.

Everyone’s body is different, so listen to your body! Try out the recipes I’ve shared with you and tell me what you think! Share some of your own and if you have a BlendJet which one did you get?!

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